To celebrate the day of love, passengers travelling through Birmingham Airport on Valentine’s Day were welcomed with an array of roses and personalised chocolates, as well as romance themed acrobat dancers - showcasing several performances throughout the terminal.

Lucky passengers arriving into Birmingham Airport on the 14th February were greeted with a roses and Cadbury chocolates, specially personalised, ‘With love from BHX’. Dancers added to the day’s romantic theatre, dressed in floral Valentine’s Day themed leotards, performing a series of showstopping acrobatic routines to entertain the passengers.

Siobhan and Ellie-May, passengers travelling to Dublin received a rose and personalised chocolates personally handed out by Birmingham Airport staff said: “Valentine’s Day… a great excuse to mix business with pleasure in Dublin’s fair city! We are feeling the love today at Birmingham Airport.”


Stuart Haseley-Nejrup, Head of Customer Experience at Birmingham Airport said: “A key focus for us this year, more than ever, is customer service and the ways in which we can improve the overall satisfaction of passengers that fly with us. We have already made significant investments across the Airport, investments which have been recognised with awards such as the most-family friendly Airport in the UK and Ireland.

“For us, the entire customer journey, from the very moment a passenger enters the Airport site, to the second they leave, is extremely important. Each touchpoint is key to ensuring customers have a positive experience - whether this be when they board their aircraft, when they collect their baggage, or when they arrive into immigration – each stage of their journey should be seamless, and a journey they remember for the right reasons.

Stuart went on to say: “Activities like this are exactly how we bring the Airport to life, placing our customers at the heart of everything we do. The atmosphere on the day was extraordinary, almost as extraordinary as passengers’ expressions as they came through the arrivals area! Creating a positive memorable experience is what we want to do and we’re happy we could utilise Valentine’s Day to put a smile on our customers’ faces.

“Looking forward to the rest of 2019, we will continue with the investment in customer experience, with the aim of making Birmingham one of Europe’s leading regional Airports.”



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