Birmingham Airport Privacy Notice Drone Requests

Birmingham Airport Privacy Notice

Drone Requests

Birmingham Airport is collecting your personal data.  When we collect personal data, we are obliged legally to provide you with certain information, it is called the “Right to be Informed”.  That information is contained in the below Notice.  If any of the information we provide to you is not clear enough, there are contact details for Birmingham Airports Data Protection Officer further down this Notice, please do not hesitate to make contact and ask for further information.


  1. Why we need it - the purpose of processing

We will use your personal data to authorise your drone flights.

If a drone flight is reported within Birmingham Airports Restricted Airspace we will use your contact information to verify you are flying your drone in the authorised area and at the authorised time. 

Where necessary we will provide your personal information to the Airport Police Unit for them to respond to any reports of drone flights, so they can contact you and confirm your details and flight plans.

This is all to ensure that unauthorised and/or dangerous drone flights are responded to correctly and those individuals with approval are discounted as part of an investigation.


  1. Why we’re allowed to process your personal information in this way – the legal basis
  • Article 6 condition – Legal obligation

We are required under Civil Aviation Authority Regulations to approve and authorise appropriate drone flight requests and monitor Airport air space for unapproved drone flights which may be a threat to aviation safety.


  1. Who we will share your personal information with?

Your information will be shared internally with the departments which need to know, or may be asked about, drone flights in Airport airspace.  These departments are the Airport Control Centre and Air Traffic Control.

We will also share your personal information with the police, should you be authorised to fly a drone, in the event that the police get a drone report and need to investigate.  They can then contact you to determine if you are flying on the date, time and place of your authorisation to discount you from any investigations.


  1. Where your personal information will be stored or transferred to

Your personal information will be stored on Birmingham Airport servers which are based in the UK.  It is secure and access has been granted only to those individuals which will need to contact you.


  1. How long we will keep your personal information for

Your personal information will be kept for 1 month past the point of your last authorised drone flight. 


  1. Your rights

You are entitled to request the following from Birmingham Airport.  These are called your Data Subject Rights and there is more information on Birmingham Airports website about each of these and what they mean to you.  You can find this information by going to

  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Rights with regards to automated individual decision making, including profiling


Right to object


The right to object is particularly important if we are processing your information under the conditions of a “public task”, or “legitimate interests”, and you can check that information above in section 2.  These is because these conditions must be based on not overriding your rights and freedoms against our purposes for using your personal information.  If we are using your personal information on these grounds and you wish to object, please contact us on

If you have any questions, or wish to contact us and ask us to look at your rights at any time, please contact Birmingham Airports Data Protection Officer on the below details.

Postal Address:

Data Protection Officer

Birmingham Airport Limited

Diamond House

Airport Way


B26 3QJ



  1. If you are unhappy with the way in which we use your personal information

If you are unhappy with the way in which Birmingham Airport has used your personal information and you have already been in contact with us (on the above details) and feel we did not resolve your issues to your satisfaction, you can contact the Information Commissioners Office (The UK’s Data Protection Regulator), the details are below.  However, the Information Commissioner does prefer that you have contacted Birmingham Airport first with your concerns before you then take those concerns to the Regulator.

Postal Address:

Information Commissioners Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Telephone number: 0303 123 1113 for local rate calls or 01625 545745 for the national rate

  1. Is your personal data being processed because of a statutory or contractual requirement?

Yes, the Civil Aviation Authority Regulation CAP 1763 – Air Navigation Order 2018 and 2019 Amendments – Guidance for Small Unmanned Aircraft Users


  1. Are we using automated decision making or profiling with regards to your personal data?


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