Data Subject Rights

The Data Protection Act gives individuals, known as data subjects, certain rights with regards to their personal information.

The document at the bottom of this page contains further details into the rights of data subjects under the General Data Protection Regulation. 

If you wish to contact the airport to exercise any of these rights, or to ask for a copy of any information we may hold on you, please contact us on the below email.

We will need to see proof of ID, to ensure that when we provide your personal information we are satisfied we are sending it to the right person.

We ask for passport or driving licence, if you do not have a copy of either of these, then we require 2 forms of non-photogenic ID, such as council tax bill or bank statement. These need to be dated within the past 6 months.

We also ask for information to allow us to locate what it is you wish to have a copy of, if we need you to clarify this further, we will contact you.

Once we have this information your personal data will be supplied to you within 1 month, as the law stipulates.


Birmingham Airport – Data Subjects Rights Information

This information has been produced to explain the Data Subject Rights that all Birmingham Airport customers have with regards to the personal information we hold on you.

The following is a brief guide to help you understand those rights and decide if you wish to exercise them and how to do so.  All the data subject rights explained below are subject to certain criteria, which we have briefly tried to explain in an easy and informative way.  However, if you wish further clarification, want the full details as prescribed in the Data Protection Act 2018 or have any questions, please contact us on

We refer to the ICO, which stands for the Information Commissioners Office, in this guidance.  For those of you who are not aware the Information Commissioner is the regulator in the UK for Data Protection.

Right to be informed

Your rights start with a fair processing notice, or privacy notice as it is sometimes called.  Under current data protection law all organisations, at the point they collect your personal information, must provide a fair processing note/privacy notice to you.  These notices have a set of required information we need to tell you about.  If you are interested in seeing the information that we are required to tell you, you can click here and look at the Information Commissioners Office guidance.

If you have provided Birmingham Airport with your information and not received a fair processing notice/privacy notice, or a link to one, please contact the Airport's Data Protection Officer on

Birmingham Airport is also required to give you a fair processing notice/privacy notice when it collects your information from another source, where it is possible to do so.  Information about this can also be found on the Information Commissioners website.

Right of Access (new Subject Access Request)

This right is the new name for a Subject Access Request but it has been expanded and now has more rights for all individuals.

If you wish to know how an organisation is using your personal information you can put a request in writing to that company and they need to provide you with the following, within 1 month of your request.  However, there are lawful reasons to which an organisation can refuse or only partially answer your request but they are required in most cases to tell you the reasons why they are with holding your information.

You are entitled to the following information;

  • The purpose of holding your information, i.e. what it is being used for.
  • The categories of information held.
  • The recipients, i.e., who the information is being shared with, especially if those organisations are outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).  The EEA is EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein
  • How long your information will be kept for
  • The details of the rights listed in this guidance
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the ICO.
  • Where the information was gathered from if not you.
  • If automated decision making, including profiling is being used on your information and what the significance and consequences of that is to you.
  • A copy of the information held on you

Right to rectification

You have the right to request that any inaccurate information regarding you is rectified, or have incomplete data held about you completed.

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

You have the right to have your information deleted if the following grounds apply;

  • Your personal information is no longer required for the purposes it was collected.
  • You withdraw consent, if you gave consent in the first place, and there is no other legal ground for processing.
  • If you object to the processing and there are no overriding grounds to continue
  • Your information has been unlawfully processed
  • Your information is required to be deleted in line with any other UK laws.
  • Your information is being processed for information society services.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request processing of your information is restricted in some circumstances. This means an organisation must stop using your information whilst an investigation is conducted.  This can be requested for the following reasons;

  • If you contest the accuracy of the information about you.
  • The processing is unlawful
  • The organisation no longer needs your information but you need them to keep it, not use it, to defend any legal claims you may have.
  • You have objected to the use of your information and the organisation has restricted processing whilst they decide if your objection should be upheld
  • Notification obligation regarding rectification or erasure of personal information or restriction of processing.

If an organisation agrees that rectification or erasure of your personal information needs to happen, they are also obligated to notify any other organisations that your information has been shared with to do the same, unless it is impossible to do so or involves disproportionate effort.

Right to data portability

This gives you the right to receive your information in machine readable format, or ask for it to be passed onto another organisation where all the following is in place.

  • Your personal information is being used based on your consent, or for fulfilling a contract with the organisation.  Your fair processing/privacy notice will inform you if this is or is not the case.
  • Your information is carried out by automated means, this means is it carried out electronically on a computer or similar.

Right to object

You have the right to object to processing of your personal information if it is being processing under a legal basis of public task or legitimate interests.  Your fair processing/privacy notice will tell you if these are the grounds being used.  Unless the organisation can provide compelling grounds for the continuation of that processing, they must stop.


Automated decision making, including profiling

You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, which produces legal effects or that significantly affects you. 

This won’t apply in the following circumstances;

  • If is it necessary to enter into a contract with an organisation
  • If it is required by law.

If you have given explicit consent

You can find Birmingham Airport's Data Subject Rights Requests Privacy Notice.

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