Project Servator

Project Servator

At Birmingham Airport, West Midlands Police operates Project Servator, which involves intelligence-led, unpredictable, highly visible armed police deployments designed to deter and detect a range of criminality, including terrorism. They can happen at any time across the entire airport and also include vehicle checkpoints and use of other policing assets such as dogs. Don’t be surprised if you see them while you’re here. The team regularly briefs and liaises with staff and businesses around the airport so they know what to be on the lookout for and how to report anything suspicious. They love to talk to our passengers to explain what they are doing, so feel free to chat to them.

The Project Servator team also works in partnership with British Transport Police to carry out deployments together, so you may come across these on your journey into the airport. Find out more here or follow @BHX_Police on Twitter or follow Project Servator  Youtube to see what they have been up to. 

Together, we’ve got it covered

All staff that work at Birmingham Airport attend regular security training and briefings to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest threat information and security practices, including how to be vigilant for and report suspicious activity.

In addition we engage regularly with community groups to act as extra eyes and ears and help the police protect the airport from criminal and terrorist activity.


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