Accessibility Policy

Accessibility Policy

Birmingham Airport is committed to ensuring our website is accessible to as many visitors as possible, regardless of physical abilities, cognitive abilities or software. We have taken the following steps to achieve this goal.


Standards compliance

  • This site is built using XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
  • The site uses valid CSS 2.1 for visual layout and styling.
  • The site conforms to the W3C's WCAG 1.0 guidelines level I, and most of level II.
  • The site uses structured semantic markup. For example, table markup is used for data tables, lists are marked up using list elements, and headings are marked up as headings and so on.
  • Data tables employ attributes associating data cells with their headers to allow them to be more easily understood by users of screen readers and other adaptive technologies.



  • All links can be followed in any browser, even if scripting is turned off.
  • All links to document types other than web pages show the document type linked to as well as the size of the document linked to.



  • Content images on the site use descriptive ALT attributes.
  • Purely decorative images include null ALT attributes.


Visual design

  • Text is sized using relative units to allow it to be resized by users of any browser or other user agent.
  • With the exception of purely visual elements such as maps, primary content is structured so as to be readable in any browser, regardless of whether it supports images, style sheets, scripting or plug-ins.


To provide feedback on the accessibility of the Birmingham Airport website, please click here

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