Sound Insulation Scheme
Sound Insulation Scheme
The Sound Insulation Scheme provides sound-reducing glazing to properties in areas most affected by aircraft noise. The scheme boundary is defined by the 2002 63dB(A) summer day noise contour, which is an average measure of noise exposure over a 16 hour period, as shown below.
If you would like to view the Sound Insulation Scheme contour boundary on google earth please view the instructions and download the file here.
The current scheme of works is finished and we have insulated every property that is eligible. However, we keep the scheme under review and should any new works be planned we will contact you. If you are new to your property and would like to know if it lies within the scheme boundary, or if it has previously been insulated under the scheme, please contact: We also recommend that you read our Privacy Notice in order to understand how your personal data will be handled which is available here.