Noise Action Plan

Noise Action Plan

Birmingham Airport has long recognised that noise is a consequence of our operations. Over the years we have developed a comprehensive noise management programme to minimise disturbance to our local neighbours.

Our overarching objective for managing aircraft noise is:

“To work with our stakeholders, including the local community and industry partners, to adopt the best practicable means to assess, manage and minimise the impact of aircraft noise, both now and in the future.”

One of the key ways we measure our impact is through the use of Noise Contours. You can find the latest noise contours, which have been produced by the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs here.

If you would like to view the latest Noise Contours via Google Earth, please find step-by-step instructions here

Download the contours as KML files below. Please note we can share these upon request, as there are some technical issues preventing downloads at present. Email --

The Noise Contours are an important part of our Noise Action planning process, which operates in five-yearly cycles. Our most recent Noise Action Plan 2019-2023 sets out a series of actions and targets to assess, manage and where possible improve the noise climate around the Airport. We have finished the consultation for our Noise Action Plan 2024-2028. This draft document will be submitted to the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs on September 1st and is subject to formal adoption and approval.

For more explanation of the reasons why aircraft may be seen in your vicinity, please review the Operational Procedures and Statistics section, which aims to explain the procedures for operations at Birmingham Airport, including details of the policies and procedures relating to aircraft taking off and landing at the Airport. 

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