Community and Environment
We know that many people living in communities close to the airport have experienced much reduced levels of disturbance from aircraft overflights during the pandemic.
Now that restrictions are easing, the volume of traffic at the airport will begin to grow and with it, inevitably, will come more disturbance. We understand this may cause annoyance. Because levels of activity have been so low, we expect some people may find aircraft more noticeable than before and may believe there have been changes compared to pre-pandemic. This not the case.
All aircraft are arriving into and departing from Birmingham Airport using the same flightpaths as before the pandemic and are operating under the same procedures.
Minimising the impact of our operations has always been a priority for us. That's why we operate a range of procedures and schemes to ensure we're taking all practical steps to achieve this. Take a look at our Aircraft Noise pages to find out more about what we're doing.